Hydrate Your Face
Skin like a baby's butt
My face, specifically my nose is peeling like a snake shedding skin and I was desperately trying to fix it. You know when your skin is so dry you can just put lotion on, not rub it in and then a few minutes later it’s gone? Haha yeah…
So I picked up this mask at Target for $2.99 AND OKAY WOW, my skin was GLOWING afterwards. Miss Spa I’m very impressed. 10/10 Recommend this mask. I’ll be going back for more.
- After using it my skin was so soft and so smooth and honestly felt like it was glowing
- It’s slippery when taking out of the package but very easy to apply to your face and it stays in place! I worried that it would slide off and I’d have to lay down the whole time but nope, I walked around for all 20 minutes without a problem
- It has a very clean smell and feels cool on your skin (cool as in temperature)
- I feel like my pores are smaller, not sure if this is because of the face mask or what
- Again, the glow.
- 20-minute application
- It’s drenched in the product, so if you really wanted to you could put it back in the package and use it again (I accidentally discovered this because I left mine out and 12 hours later it was still wet)
- I wouldn’t classify my skin as dry, I usually have a nice layer of oil on my face at the end of the day. I’ve always hesitated adding moisture to my face because I never feel like I need it, but wow I will definitely be purchasing this again
- It’s inexpensive for a one-time use, but if you wanted to use it all the time that could quickly add up

Blake Edwards
Cookie dough lover and beauty product junkie