Taking Off Makeup is Hard

Wipes and Liquid Remover
I love these so much because I’m lazy. When it's late at night and I'm tired, the thought of getting my face wet is the last thing I want to do, and using a wipe let's me go to bed feeling ~less guilty. Not only do they actually take off my makeup but it leaves my skin feeling so clean, 10/10 recommend (Cheapest here, Amazon of course, for $5.22)
- It’s a quick way to take off my foundation/face makeup and it actually takes it off
- In addition to just wiping the makeup off my face I feel like it’s cleaning my face
- I know I shouldn’t do this but some nights I’ll just use one of these and go to bed because it leaves my face feeling so clean
- No residue or oil left behind
- I try to buy them when they’re on sale in a pack of two because it's a better deal, but I just learned you can buy a pack of six on Amazon, so it looks like I know what my next prime purchase is
- Smells like grapefruit
- One wipe is plenty for your whole face
- Oil-free and ideal for acne prone skin
- They smell good but the smell permeates everything. If I pack these in my duffle for the weekend I feel like all my clothes smell like it (kind of how things next to a pack of gum end up smelling faintly like gum.)
Currently I have eyelash extensions (they were a gift, an amazing wonderful gift that won't last much longer because money) but usually, I'm ALWAYS wearing mascara. Side note- why is mascara impossible to take off, but the second you jump in a pool it dissolves? Anyways, when attempting to remove it I loved Neutrogena's Oil-Free Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, so to save money I buy Target's knock off version, which has worked just as well and is only $4.59 .
So fresh, so clean. Love this for removing all of my makeup.
My go-to mascara remover, and it comes in the cute little travel size! (These stupid little clear bottles are so hard to photograph, sorry for the glare!)

Cookie dough lover and beauty product junkie