How to cover up zits

Don't let a zit ruin your day,
Use green concealers and/or face primer to cancel out overall redness or really red zits
Caking on more makeup is not the answer, maybe the red will be gone but then you'll have little mountains of makeup on your face
You are going to notice your zits more than anyone else will, zits suck, but YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL
All you really need is a foundation, concealer and setting powder that you love and trust
Check out my 5 minute makeup routine for the products I used in this coverup!
No makeup in this photo, idk about you but when I have a big zit this is exactly how it feels
Snapchat pic, so look for my zit on the left side
How to Conceal Zits: POST BY Rachel Butler
Follow her on Instagram @rachelrbutler
These are lit tips but TL;DR Don't skip skin prep, apply foundation, then concealer (gently), set with a powder (P.S. Have a bigger zit? Apply the concealer around the edges, acne contour!)
Skin prep
- Wash and exfoliate (if applicable). Pat dry.
- Make sure there are no flakes of dry skin hanging around the zit. Brush them away if needed or use tweezers to GENTLY remove. Do not pull off any new skin trying to grow or pull too hard on dry skin and cause bleeding. This will create a more difficult mess to cover.
- Apply an acne-friendly moisturizer. I like Cetaphil ($10.69). Then apply a small amount benzoyl peroxide if it is a closed, un-popped zit. It's important that you use a very small amount and let it absorb. Too much sitting on your skin will make it difficult for your makeup to go on smoothly. For popped zits and broken skin, I like to apply ASAP Silver Gel ($14.80). It's similar to an antibacterial ointment, which you can use in its place. I prefer Silver gel because it has a thinner, smoother consistency and heals my skin faster.
- Last, apply a primer. I am currently using Photo Finish by Smashbox. It is $36 which is kind of annoying, but I really like it. It keeps my skin clearer by acting as a barrier between my skin and makeup. (Makeup on its own tends to fill my pores giving me tiny bumps.)
zit covering
- Gently pat a lightweight foundation over your skin (I use Covergirl Ready, Set, Gorgeous $5.99). I always wash my hands and apply with my fingers because I know they’re clean. I also will sometimes use disposable sponge wedges. NEVER rub your makeup into your skin. You are asking for your makeup to seep deep into your pores and clog them up.
- Take your concealer (I prefer Covergirl Ready, Set, Gorgeous concealer, $5.99, because it blends well with the foundation) and cover each zit with a dot of concealer that covers the entire surface area.
- Take a very small but dense makeup brush. I usually dedicate one of my eyeshadow brushes for concealer (not a crease eyeshadow brush, it’s too thin). Gently pat each dot of concealer to blend in the makeup over the zit. A very light touch is key here. If you push too hard, you will just rub the concealer off of your zit.
- Make sure your concealer completely blends in, then set your makeup by lightly dusting a loose powder over your skin. Again, do not rub your powder into your skin in an attempt to blend everything together. This will just rub off your makeup, rub up dead skin, and look bad. Lightly pat the loose powder on.
- Take a tissue and gently brush off any leftover flecks of makeup and powder. This ensures that your skin doesn’t have a dry, powdery, fuzzy look. Some people like to use a makeup setting spray at this point.
Tip: For larger zits, apply more concealer around the edges of the zit and less on the very center of the zit. This will lighten up the outer edges or shadows that the raised bump is creating, making it appear to be a smaller bump. (It’s like contouring for your acne.)
If you have a zit, don't panic and try your best to leave it alone. In the meantime, check out my 15 ways to fight acne.

Cookie dough lover and beauty product junkie