Drugstore Mascara Queen

The reason I started this Blog!
Seriously, I've held on to (hoarded) some of these mascaras for years now all for this blog post/picture. My obsession with trying different beauty products started with this back in high school. My current favorites are Maybelline Lash Sensational ($6.99) and cult favorite, endorsed by Kim K herself, L'Oreal Voluminous Original ($5.89).
I've used fancy mascara once. In middle school (lol) a friend gave me a tube of $24 Sephora mascara as a gift. I'm not going to lie it was really amazing but I rather spend beauty product money elsewhere.
I think good mascara is two-fold, the brush and the formula, which is why it's hard to create/recommend the ~perfect mascara because everyone has different eyelashes. So you just have to figure out what works for you, this is my list:
- Fiber brushes, none of that plastic rubber crap
- Smooth formulas that go one smooth in one application and don't leave your eyelashes looking naturally luscious
- I really love curved brushes because it feels like I'm curling my eyelashes, which is great because I'm terrified of eyelash curlers
- The longer and thicker the fibers on the brush, the better the application IMO
Maybelline is my go-to, they usually have a display where you can actually see and touch the brushes so I feel like I know what I'm getting into. Whenever I've branched out beyond Maybelline (with the exception of L'Oreal) I'm disappointed.
Wet n' Wild mascara is crap, do not buy. Ever.
L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes isn't great.
I bought the Cover Girl Super Sizer because of this tweet I saw. The girl's eyelashes looked so good, well it sucks, also do not buy. The brush is garbage, I mean look at it, is that even a brush??
Do not waste your money on this.
Don't let the beautiful matte black tube tempt you.
Since I love the Lash Sensational I thought I'd try the sister mascara, Lash Sensational Luscious, it's not as good, and the formula is superrr intense. It's like glue on your eyelashes I swear, it's so hard to get off and it's not even the waterproof kind.
Rocket Volum' Express also has a garbage brush, the plastic bristles are basically non-existent.
Mega Plush Volum' Express, another disappointment.
In high school Maybelline's XXL Pro was my religion (pictured in the cover photo). I felt like putting on the white part really made a difference, but eventually I realized that it was just an extra step and there's better options.
MASCARA that I'VE Liked
I haven't used the Illegal Length Fiber Extensions or Lash Stiletto Ultimate Length mascara in a while, but I LOVED both of these, and honestly feel like they're very much the same, the Stiletto is just a little more expensive.
Volum' Express The Colossal Cat Eyes, I threw the tube away but I've held on to the brush (I know this is probably gross) but I do clean it! I use it whenever my eyelashes decided to have a rebellion and all clump together.
Love that curved brush, can't remember much about the actual masacara haha $4.99
I remember liking this when I used it, but that's all I got $5.29
I did some research, aka asked my friends, what their favorite mascaras are and the L'Oreal and Maybelline were mentioned the most, so if you're wanting to try something new start with those.
Honorable mention goes to Benefit They're Real ($24 at Sephora), expensive but according to my friend Cathy it has a good brush and formula.
Have a favorite that I didn't mention? Leave it in the comments!

Cookie dough lover and beauty product junkie